The Blob

Thursday, June 19, 2003

Highly Recommended: Bullfighter

I've ranted in the past about blathering corporate-speak. You know, that politically correct garbage that MBAs use to impress themselves. They spew out words like "synergy", "implement" and my personal favorite, "paradigm."

Finally, somebody is doing something to stop this. The folks at Deloitte Touche have just release a free product for Windows 2000 and XP called Bullfighter. If you're running Windows 2000 or XP, download it. Bullfighter is a plug-in for Word and PowerPoint that you can use like a spell checker to test your writing for readability. But it's not a mere grammar checker. Instead, it looks for empty jargon and lets you know it in no uncertain terms.

It's funny. It's got 'tude. And it's really important to have tools like Bullfighter as our sword and shield. Otherwise, we'll soon be using words like "repurposeable, leading-edge thoughtware that allow you to implement new paradigms." You get the idea.

Check it out!


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