The Blob

Wednesday, August 21, 2002

Stop, Dave. I can feel it, Dave. Stop, Dave.

I'm not getting old. Just more tired. One of life's cruel jokes is the alarm clock. I mean, here you are, deep in a peaceful state of sleep, when we're violently yanked into the land of the pre-caffeinated. What kind of sadistic joke is that?

The irony is that humans are the only creatures on this earth who hate waking up. My cat? No problem. She can't wait to start her day. She stretches, up goes her tail, and she starts purring like, well, um, a kitten. Ditto for the birds. Their songs are an anthem to a new day. There's a lesson here for the rest of us. But explain one thing to me: why is it that cats and birds don't need Starbucks?

Oh, that's right. They don't have to go to work. Judging from what Java, my cat does most of the day, that should explain it. Short of eating dry food every day, being a cat would not be so bad. I'd think about it more, but I'm tired.


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