The Blob

Tuesday, December 24, 2002

You Gotta Hand It To Those Crazy North Koreans

Amazing. Give some wacko the keys to nuclear weapons technology, and suddenly, they almost get respect. Will somebody please wake up Kim Jong Il, the Dear Leader of the People's Republic of North Korea (not to be confused with Hillary Clinton) and let this dude know that it's almost 2003? We're faced with a country that still believes that it is 1948 and is hard at work at either trying to foment Armageddon or starve itself by force, or both.

Lately, the North Koreans have been ramping up their nuclear weapons manufacturing and increasingly belligerent threats with equal elan. Here's a sample of what I mean (courtesy of CNN):

The refusal by the United States to negotiate could lead to an "uncontrollable catastrophe," North Korea's state-run Rodong Sinmun newspaper has warned, stating, "If they, ignorant of their rival, dare provoke a nuclear war, the army and people of the DPRK led by Kim Jong Il, the invincible commander, will rise up to mete out determined and merciless punishment to the U.S. imperialist aggressors with the might of single-hearted unity more powerful than A-bomb."

Give me a break.

If you missed reading stuff like this in Pravda from those glorious days of the old Soviet Union, good old-fashioned Commie propaganda like that has just got to make your day. Or make you lose sleep over the possibility that a bunch of completely over-the-top wackos have their thumbs on the button. You decide.

Why on earth can't the North Koreans follow the lead of their beloved neighbor, The People's Republic of China (Incorporated) and realize that there's money to be made by being the world's factory? If the goal of the Chinese Central Committee is world domination, they're being very intelligent about it - at their current rate of progress, they will have cornered most of the world's manufacturing within a decade, or so it seems. Instead of declaring war on the rest of the world, they could launch a leveraged buyout. T Boone Pickens would be so proud.

I really don't know whether to laugh or cry. Here it is, Christmas Eve, and mixed with the sounds of the holiday season is the ever-present sabre rattling of nuclear Holocaust. Please tell me the world is more sane than this.

Merry Christmas, comrade.


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