The Blob

Tuesday, October 08, 2002

The first sounds of the morning

I have no reason to be grumpy first thing in the morning. Sleepy, yes. But grumpy, no. I only have to close my eyes and listen to realize why.

My wife is asleep when I first get up at 5:30 AM each day. That’s a peaceful sound. And if I stagger up to our bedroom windows as I rub my eyes, I can hear the calls of two great horned owls in the trees nearby. There’s something about hearing owls that makes me comfortable. If owls can live in the woods near our home, our neighborhood is a good place to be.

I use the bathroom off our second bedroom to finish off after showering. As I walk through the darkened bedroom (actually, an office) toward the bathroom, I will usually hear a soft happy purring. It’s Java, our cat, curled up in one of the office chairs where she likes to sleep. Few sounds are more comforting than that of a happy kitten. Even though I can’t see her in the darkness, I follow the sounds until I find that spot under her chin where she loves to be rubbed.

By now, a chorus is slowly building up in the trees surrounding our house. Song sparrows, house finches and an assortment of other birds combine to make a peaceful and beautiful song. It’s amazing how pure their voices can be.

If these quiet sounds can’t start your day right, I don’t know what would. Wait a minute – I know: the sound of an espresso machine.


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