The Blob

Sunday, August 17, 2003

Thought of the day

If California were in a deeper financial mess (thanks, Gray!), the state government would have to enroll in the Consumer Credit Counseling credit protection program. Well, an enterprising mind at the blog site Voyage to Arcturus came up with an idea to erase California's $38 Billion debt: have everyone in California file as a nominee for the gubernatorial recall election. Here's the logic:

California state debt: $38 Billion

California gubernatorial special election filing fee: $3,500 per person

Number of gubernatorial candidates required to erase California state debt: 10,857,143

That's less than one-third the population of California, which is pushing 36 million people (plus or minus several million undocumented illegal aliens).

Since just about everybody and their mother has filed to jump into the election, why not encourage more people? Given all the boneheaded ideas that keep coming from Sacramento, it seems like a pretty reasonable idea by comparison. So let's open up registration again. Keep that money coming, folks. Register early and often!


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