The Blob

Friday, October 03, 2003

Is this the best you can do?

To: Mr. Gray Davis, Mr. Cruz Bustamante and Mr. Terry McAuliffe
From: Brian Teeter
RE: Is this the best you can do?

Like just about everyone in California, I read the news of allegations by that bastion of quality journalism, The Los Angeles Times, that Gubernatorial candidate Arnold Schwarzenegger supposedly groped women without their consent, and in today's latest drivel, supposedly voiced praise for Adolf Hitler.

How convenient.

Just days before the election, these allegations surface. What a coincidence! Any ambitious political group trying to preserve the status quo realize that timing is everything. And there's no better way to eliminate competition than to present allegations of sexual misconduct and love of a villified dictator, which are, of course the type of allegations that are the guilty-until-proven-innocent variety. It's fascinating too, that a number of "spontaneous" protests, commercials and other political noise against Arnold just so happened to have boiled up at this very moment.

Um, you might not happen to know anything about this, would you?

Let me cut to the chase: if you're going to win this election, which you won't, you've got to do better than this. Instead to painting someone with unproven, scandalous allegations, you might want to consider offering an agenda to get California out of the abysmal mess you created. But face it: you have nothing to offer. So you turn to the next best thing: FUD. When in doubt, distract 'em.

But it won't work. People aren't stupid, much as you believe that we are. You tried some slimeball stunts with your friends at the ACLU to derail the recall election and take away my right to vote. You took an enormous surplus and in less than two years, your incompetence drove the state almost to bankruptcy. You sold out to labor unions and gambling casinos. And despite all the fear, uncertainty and doubt that you sow, I don't hear anything positive that you offer, unless your idea of positive is Tough Love. The only tough love I want to see is not in the form of obscene taxes, but getting tough on the whores that dominate the California state legislature. But you'd never do that.

Instead of thinking that the California state budget is an ATM machine, and instead of thinking that the taxes paid by the people of California amount to a trust fund for you to go wild, consider being responsible. But that's beneath you.

It's interesting that the man who presented allegations about Mr. Schwarzenegger's supposed love of Hitler quickly recanted. But the damage has been done. One thing that won't change however is my vote. I'm going to vote for Arnold, along with millions of Californians who are sick of your lies and incompetence. The best you can do is be negative. We're going to vote for someone, however imperfect, has a vision to make California a good place again. That's something you cannot and will not do.

On Tuesday, you'll get yours. And not a moment too soon.


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