The Blob

Tuesday, March 18, 2003

Memo to Saddam

Dude: the clock is running. There is still time to do the right thing for your people. Will launching rockets filled with anthrax, sarin, VX or ricin make the world better? You've already starting opening the valves on your oil pipelines onto the desert, and you have dedicated soldier at ready, waiting to drop a match onto the pool. And what will that do? Buy you time? For how long? You've ringed Baghdad with artillery, AAA and SAMs. It did not work before, so why do you think this time will be any different? The more reprehensible your actions in the coming days, the more violent and merciless the response. Think about that. Your enemy has virtually no limits in the punishment they can inflict, if conditions warrant doing so.

It is said that insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting that the outcome will be different. It won't. If you hope to outlast the Americans, it won't work. If you are willing to sacrifice innocent Iraqi lives in the trade, what will that accomplish?

You can run, but you can't hide.

Be smart. Take the offer and run. Perhaps having Idi Amin as your next door neighbor would not be so bad. Perhaps you could share notes on what could have been. It beats running for your life.

Do the right thing. Give up. Let your people go before your life, and the lives of those you purport to love end miserably.


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