The Blob

Monday, December 30, 2002

Rant-O-Matic: Parity. It's all that I ask.

At work, I work on a Dull PC. At home, I happily use an Apple Mac running OS-X. It's a great operating system and a wonderful computer to use. It's powerful, built like tank and does not crash. So why can't sites like Blogger give us Mac users some parity?

A case in point: when I log into to create my latest updates, the feature set for the PC is twice that of the Mac. In the PC version, you can access spell check, automated html hyperlinks, a greater feature set and a few more bells and whistles, none of which is available for the Mac. What could be so hard about this?

OS-X runs on UNIX, the precursor and first cousin to Linux. It's pretty open source stuff. So why do all the bells and whistles get offered exclusively for PCs only? Yes, I can do pretty much the same things on the Mac by going into the html code and doing it myself. But explain to me why this should not be possible for us Mac users, especially if we are paying customers.

A little parity. Please. Is that too much to ask?


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